Grooming a horse not only helps to keep him clean, but is a good time to bond as well as to do a quick check-up on your animal to make sure that they are healthy and well.
Use a halter and lead rope to bring your horse in from the pasture or out of the stall.
Tie your horse loosely to a railing to prevent your horse from wandering off.
Use a soft-bristled brush and start with your horse’s face. Brush the forelock and face, being careful to stay away from the eyes.
Look for any drainage from the eyes and make sure your horse’s ears don’t have anything in them.
Use a medium-bristled brush for your horse’s body. Start at the neck and work your way down.
Look for any cuts or bumps that need treatment.Brush entire body, including belly and legs.
Run your hands down the horse’s legs to feel for any swelling.Spray conditioner or detangler in mane and tail to make brushing easier.
Use a stiff-bristled brush for mane and tail.Use a hoof pick on each hoof.
Check for abscesses or other hoof or frog abnormalities.Notice any changes in your horse. Is there discharge from the horse’s nose? Are the gums pink? Does your horse seem alert?
Spray fly repellant over entire body of horse. Be careful not to get fly spray in horse’s eyes.