Start by hooking up your safety system, which includes your harness, eyewear, and hearing protection. Now put on the drip edge, which is a metal lip at the ends of your house that keeps the water dripping away from your roof. Pull the drip edge snug against the house and secure it with a nail gun. At the ends, cut into the metal with a pair of tin snips and bend it around the corners.
Now install ice and water shield if required by law in your local area. This goes on the eves, which is the ends of the house. Place it on top of the drip edge one inch from the edge using the self adhesive to secure it.
Shingle the Rest of the House - Now you’re ready to shingle the rest of the house. You could hammer the nails into the roof, but it’s much faster to use a roofing coiler. To use it, you’ll also need an air compressor - which gives power to the coiler - and an air hose to connect the two. You can rent these along with most everything else you’ll need. Work from the bottom to the top - starting with the left-hand corner of the house. Since most people are right handed, this makes the work easier and allows you to hold the nail gun with your right hand. Line up the first shingle with the starter shingle and nail it down. Now place a book - five pieces of different lengths - and nail it down. Keep doing this up the house to the top. Then go back down and start again next to the shingles you’ve just laid. You generally want to put six to eight nails into each shingle. Check the code in your area.