Chickens can be categorized as egg producers, meat producers or just hobby or show birds. The industry utilizes the Standard of Perfection list to rank and list chicken breeds. Most chickens are raised for their meat and eggs. Other breeders raise specialty chicken breeds for competition and judged shows. Follow these steps to identify chicken breeds.
Step One
Find out if the animal is being raised as a dual-purpose chicken. These animals can provide both meat and eggs for consumption. These varieties are common to small farms or households.
Step Two
Choose chickens categorized as layers for best egg production. This breed will produce more eggs than a dual-purpose chicken. These chickens tend to be lighter in weight than other breeds and have ill temperaments.
Step Three
Look for Fancy breeds to have unusual colors or special feathering. Several of the Fancy breeds can be dual-purpose or even egg layers. This chicken may simply have attributes such as five toes, beards or distinctive crests that set it aside from others.
Step Four
Identify Bantam breeds as those that are typically smaller versions of common larger breeds. These animals are considered decorative and ornamental.