A broken down boiler is a disaster. Being deprived of heat is never fun. Boilers have a nasty habit of failing just when you need them most. They only ever…
- Central Heating
How to rest your boiler using the boiler thermostat control knob – Error codes E110, E119, E130, E133
by adminby adminHow to reset your Baxi Group boiler using the boiler thermostat control knob on your boiler. Open the pull down panel to revel the controls revelling the flashing red lockout…
- Central Heating
How to reset your boiler using the ON / OFF selector switch – Error codes E110, E119, E130, E133
by adminby adminHow to reset your Baxi Group boiler using the ON / OFF selector switch on your boiler. Open the pull down panel to revel the controls. If a fault occurs…
- BoilerCentral Heating
How to reset your boiler using the reset button – Error codes E110, E119, E130, E133
by adminby adminHow to reset your Baxi Group boiler using the rest button on your boiler. Open the pull down panel to revel the controls revelling the flashing red lockout light constantly…
Heat Interface Units (HIU) act as a connection between a central boiler and the heating and hot water supply of multiple dwellings such as a block of flats or office…
- BoilerDIYGardenHome RepairsHome SafetyHouseMoney Saving TipsPropertyRecyclingSustainabilityWeeds
How To Winter-Proof Your Home and Garden
by adminby adminHow to winter-proof your home and garden Knowing where to begin when it comes to preparing your home and garden for winter can be a tall order. Not only can…
As we know, it’s gotten cold recently, and it’s about to get a lot colder. The days are short and the nights are long, and Christmas is upon us. The…