Take cuttings of fuchsia in summer. Take cuttings as shown and insert into a moist mixture of peat and sand having first dipped the end of the cutting in hormone…
The standard dianthus, also known as the carnation, is a member of the larger dianthus family of flowering plants, which also includes pinks and Sweet Williams. Carnations are often sold…
Chrysanthemums are easy-growing perennial bloomers that provide fall colour for many years with minimal attention, as long as the plants have benefit of well drained soil and plenty of sunshine.…
Every gardener knows that buying plants is a very expensive business. Luckily, nature has a very clever way of enabling us to keep our costs down as it is entirely…
Marigolds are annuals common in the home garden. They are propagated from seed, which can be obtained from most garden centres, or you can harvest them from your garden. Note,…
Honeysuckle (Lonicera) is a group of shrubs and vines, both evergreen and deciduous. The fragrant flowers in a broad range of whites, pinks, corals, yellows and even purples provide nectar…
Poppies comes is a variety of different types. Their scientific name is Papaveraceae, ranging from the golden California poppy to the more common Oriental poppies in red, orange, pink and white with…
Clematis is a woody deciduous vine that will wrap its tendrils around a trellis or fence. Clematis includes more than 250 species with a variety of sizes, shapes, colours and…
Laurels are very difficult to grow from seed, but you’re much likelier to succeed by propagating them from cuttings. There are a variety of types of laurel grown in Britain…
Propagate geraniums can be done by taking cuttings and starting from seeds. Cuttings result in a plant exactly like the parent plant. Seeds taken from hybrids may not have the…