Shale deposits occur through the United States and represent significant potential sources of fossil fuel. When sedimentary mud hardened into shale, it often trapped organic particles that were later converted…
Shale is a sedimentary rock – that is, rock formed over vast spans of time by the compression of sediments under water in a process known as “compaction.” Because calm…
Shale is a form of sedimentary rock created from silt, sand and mud. Sedimentary rocks such as shale are fossil-rich areas because plants and animals trapped in mud get fossilised…
Building your own pond is a challenging and rewarding project. Concrete block walls allow you to sit on the edge and enjoy your fishy friends. By building the pond partially…
Oil shale extraction is not, as of this writing, an economically feasible way of obtaining oil from these geological formations. However, this has not stopped countries like the United States…
Shale and slate are two very similar types of stones found naturally along split bedding lines. The difference between these rocks can be difficult to pinpoint by looking at the…
Sedimentary rocks like shale are rich fossil sources because organisms became trapped in the muddy areas that eventually became shale. As the mud dried over time, the fossils were created.
Shale gas refers to natural gas that is trapped within shale formations. Shales are fine-grained sedimentary rocks that can be rich resources of petroleum and natural gas. Sedimentary rocks are…