Mulled wine is a particular sort of hot, spiced wine that originally contained beaten eggs or egg yolks. In historic mulled wine recipes, the verb “to mull” occurs in the…
Glögg is hot, spiced wine, perfect for cold winter evenings. Just follow this easy Glogg recipe to make your own great-tasting spiced wine. Variations are optional and add great personalized…
Dandelions are in season during the spring and summer months, but they lend themselves deliciously to a beverage you can serve year-round. April and May are the best months to…
Rhubarb is a member of the Rheum genus which has about 60 species. The most common choices for human consumption, including wine, are the garden rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) and false…
Step by Step Instructions on how to make Elderberry Wine. The finished wine is a delicious full bodied port style red wine.
Create you’re own wine label to go with your unique home made wine. A unique and well-made wine label can make your homemade wine all the more attractive. There are…
Old wine corks can be used for various craft projects to be environmentally friendly. By the time you and your guests have finished a nice bottle of wine, you may have…
Australia produces more than 100 varieties of wine in its 60-plus designated wine regions. The time-honored debate as to what wines are better — old world or new world — is…
California wine is wine made in the U.S. state of California. Nearly three-quarters the size of France, California accounts for nearly 90 percent of American wine production. The production in…
South Africa is a driving force in the wine industry, with over 500 exporters and numerous international awards. Three centuries of rich history has produced a wide variety of reds…