We have all been victim to a speed demon zipping past us on the freeway before. But there are some drivers that are the subtle kind of dangerous. Those that are clearly dangerous are easy to spot but sometimes it is not so easy which is why today we will be going over some of the potentially dangerous drivers and explaining why they might not always be so obvious. Note, that if you end up in a car accident due to other reckless drivers be sure to have a reputable car accident lawyer (such as this car accident lawyer Los Angeles). Or whomever can best represent you in your state.
Different Types of Drivers to be Aware of
There are two main types of drivers on the road that we all can be and need to be careful of when we are on the road. Either extreme can end up in a car accident. So, have this in mind when you are suspicious of a driver on the road.
The aggressive driver, the classic example of a dangerous driver. This driver will blast past you on the road. They will tailgate you and honk their horn at you for what seems like no good reason. These drivers can easily cause accidents so make sure you are checking your mirrors regularly. Also be mindful of how your actions could spark someone to begin driving aggressively. If you overtake someone on the freeway and then slow down, this could trigger aggressive driving behaviours. You are well within your rights to do that (within reason) but it could provoke such a reaction.
Then we have our defensive drivers. Defensive drivers are typically seen as safer drivers than aggressive drivers, those that are over defensive can second guess themselves and cause accidents through miscommunication. This unassuming driver could be a potentially dangerous one. For instance, if a driver is only doing 40 in a 70, he is going to cause major issues on roads. This could easily end up resulting in a crash because another driver comes around a corner at the speed limit. Keep your eyes open for these drivers, they can cause more accidents then you think.
Many people who have ended up in car accidents can become too defensive on the road because of previous car accidents. Driving anxiety can develop as a result of this. So be sure to get the appropriate support from your legal representative when recovering from a car accident.
How Not to be the Dangerous Driver
Striking a balance is what is important when trying to be a safe driver. You can end up being the dangerous driver. Being a safe driver means that you are assertive on the road, you understand where you can be and clearly communicate your intentions on the road. Whether that is through the aid of your blinkers or road positioning.
People often do not realize that being distracted by dangerous drivers can also impact their ability to drive. It might sound counter-intuitive but when you see a dangerous driver. Think about the drivers around this driver. They could be the most dangerous of them all. This is because all the attention is on our boy racer. Which can lead to two other drivers ending up in each other bonnets.
While we all want to be mindful of dangerous drivers out there. Sometimes focusing on the road instead of one racer can help us make the right decision rather than being blindsided by an aggressive driver. If you were to end up in a road accident because of this kind of driver or any of the reasons we have already talked about, be sure to seek the support of a lawyer to build your case.
How to Deal with Road Rage
Road rage can take so much of our attention off the road and cause us to make uncharacteristic decisions. Accepting that there will be drivers that make, what we think are, crazy decisions is all part of navigation the road. Becoming engulfed by event by anger will not help your case if you end up in a car accident.
If you see a driver that is angry on the road do not exasperate them further, just drive safely, as you usually would. Tensions can run high on the road at times but that does not mean should make situations worse than they must be. These kinds of drivers can prove dangerous even if it is not obvious. You might have seen them quietly raging when they are in front of you in traffic. If that is the case be wary.
Make sure you conduct yourself as orderly as you can. If someone is tailgating you and it is really getting to you, just pull over when it is safe to do so and take some deep breaths. You can only control how you drive. Other road users are out of your control.
The road can be a dangerous place full of dangerous driving. A keen eye can help all of us avoid an unwanted car accident. There is support if that were to unfortunately happen. Lawyers can aid you through such events but if you focus on the road ahead when you know what kind of driver you are dealing with; you can enjoy the road in style.