Here’s what you will need:
Rust-O-Leum Primer
Rust-O-Leum Painter’s Touch
Rust-O-Leum Lacquer
Sanding Sponges
Masking Tape
You will need some specialty tools to take apart the bike if you don’t want to have to take it to a bike shop. I’ll talk about those later!!!
Alright, so before you start spraying away you need to be sure to clean the frame with a wet towel or sponge and let it dry for a few hours. Then you need to tape off all the holes so the overspray doesn't get in there and mess anything up. If you decided not to remove your cranks find some old grocery bags and tape them around the cranks so they don't get paint on them. Ok, so now that your frame is sanded, cleaned, dried, and all taped up it TIME TO START PAINTING!!!! Now preferable you want a nice big space outside to paint in, which I understand is not always available (I had to use the balcony outside my apt which is only like 7x11 feet). But do the best with what you have! If you have a lot of space I recommend hanging the bike through the head tube (the one the front fork goes through) using a broomstick or any wooden stick that will fit and hold it steady. Now you need to find somewhere to hang it from where you will be able to move around the frame and spray all areas consistently. Another option is to hang the bike from the head stock by a string, or you can get creative like I did and build a little contraption to hold it. I recommend using Rust-O-Leum Paint products because they work very well on metal surfaces. When painting I recommend not holding down the spray tip constantly, this can apply to much paint and make it runny. Use short even bursts to coat the bike evenly. I recommend doing a lot of very thin coats instead of fewer thick coats. I applied around 4 coats of Primer. Read the bottle for the directions on dry times and waiting times between coats. I tend to apply 2 coats and then wait 24 hours and then apply 2 more coats.