Servicing a canal boat engine hints and tips:
• Your boat needs a lot of TLC to maintain its value and performance. It is subjected to stresses and strains quite different from a car (how often do you bang your car into a wall or jump on to the roof?) and does need pampering. There are routines that are best done daily (when cruising/running the engine), monthly and annually. Below is a general list, which is by no means exhaustive and certainly not specific to your boat/engine, that can be used as a guideline to help you become familiar with the quirks of your own pride and joy. Some of the items may best be done by a professional. It is for you to decide on your level of competence.
• If the boat is new to you the frequency of these checks should be upgraded significantly – daily checks done thrice daily, monthly done daily etc until you become familiar with the foibles of your boat – in fact do all the checks before your first cruise.