Running water and indoor plumbing are amenities that are largely taken for granted. While it is virtually impossible to find a modern home not hooked up to these services, there are times when you will need to use alternatives to modern plumbing. Chemical toilets are used in boats, RVs and airplanes, for example. Portable toilets are also characterized as chemical toilets. These are the perfect compromise when water resources are limited. The holding tanks can only hold so much, however, and will eventually need to be pumped.
Locate the black holding tank outlet pipe on your vehicle or toilet. In most instances, the cap is located toward the bottom or underneath the frame. It may, however, be above the black water or sewer tank.
Open the valve on the black water holding tank to release the liquid and solid waste from your chemical toilet, if necessary.
Remove the pump tubing from the black water tank outlet and replace the cap, if applicable.