If you temporarily disable your account, your account and your photos, comments and likes will be hidden, but not deleted, until you reactivate it by logging back in. To temporarily…
Detoxification, or detox, is the process of removing toxic substances from the body. Diets that claim to achieve a full detox in a matter of days have been around for…
Making a bed may not seem like a necessary survival skill, but in the wild, a raised bed is necessary for your health and well-being. You want to get the…
Don’t damage the item – or yourself – when using a hammer. Play it safe and follow these simple instructions. Step One Use the right hammer for the job. Step…
Soldering electronics is not difficult, but it is unforgiving. Just one cold connection where the solder does not join the component to the circuit board, and the whole circuit will…
Keep your cat away from birds to reduce the chance of a feathery visitor becoming lunch for a marauding cat. Cats are natural predators of birds, and even the most spoiled…
Leaks in copper pipes can be troublesome. To repair a water line with copper fittings, you have to have reasonable soldering skills or your repair may not be watertight. Even…
It seems that everything has a cord attached to it. This can be problematic if you are operating a device in an area where people are moving from one are…
While camcorders have changed greatly over the years, moving from heavy, bulky contraptions requiring tapes and cords to sleek, pocket size digital devices, the purpose has remained the same. A…
Find out what’s going on in and around Bournemouth and our suggestions of things to do in all weathers .