Well, autumn and winter are fast approaching – more’s the pity. And, for most of us, that means significant rises in our energy use and bills are also on their way. Or, perhaps not. In this guide, we’re going to take a look at some of the ways you can reduce the cost of your energy over the colder months. Ready to save money on energy? Then let’s get started right away.
Cover your holes
It’s a good idea to have a good look around your home once or twice a year to make sure that everything is sealed up properly. Holes can appear quickly throughout the seasons whether it is in your window frame, your floorboards, or even your brickwork. As small as they might be, the warm are you are paying for during the winter will escape from them. It’s an easy fix, so get your preferred choice of caulk or filler and go for it.
Check your heating
The end of summer or beginning of autumn is one of the best times to organise a maintenance check for your heating. If it isn’t working well, it will give you plenty of time to attend to before it gets cold. Faulty heating systems can lead to a massive increase in fuel consumption. And that means more money to your energy company and less on your Christmas presents.
Ease in the heat
Now is also a good time to start heating your home – just do it little by little for the moment. This will help you get used to the cooler temperatures gradually. By the time the cold comes in full effect, you should have shaved off a few degrees at least from your average heating temperature. And that means significant reductions from your monthly bills.
Install a wood burner
Wood burners are expensive to install – around a grand and a half. But you can save that money and more on your energy bills over its lifetime. They are great for warming up a house and far more efficient than older radiators. All you need is a large bulk bag of kiln dried logs, some kindling, and you’re away. A hot room, and up to 25% reduction in your winter heating costs. Not bad, hey?
Get an energy meter
If you get an energy meter installed now, you won’t notice your gas and electric use. But, in a couple of months, those readings are going to shoot up, whether you like it or not. What you can’t see will never concern you. But having your energy spend shoot up – right before your eyes – will make you think twice about pumping up the dial to 25 degrees. It’s a great way to see exactly how much you are spending, and it will really help you identify the most expensive energy drains in your home.
OK, so there you have it – five simple things you can do to cut your energy bills this winter. Give us a shout if you have any more tips you would like to add!