Is your washing machine leaking? Here’s how to go about fixing it.
Before turning the machine on, remove a cover. On some washers, there are two screws on the bottom L & R front corners that take the front panel loose. Once the screws are removed, the front cover is hinged at the top and you simply pull the bottom away from the machine until it comes un-hooked, and set the cover aside.# There shouldn't be many exposed wires or ends, but a few. Don't touch the terminals or lay something metal in the machine that could fall on the terminals.
Take a flashlight, look for obvious leaks or better, water stains around nuts, hose clamps, etc. Most likely you'll see some water residue here and there and that would be normal as a washer is wet. Look for puddles, long white streaks, calcium deposits. Most likely, you won't find standing water, but some clues of where you should look when the machine is running. Unless this leak is so obivous you can see what's wrong, you don't need to start it and you should repair the problem. Once possible areas have been identified, you should start the machine as if you had a load in it and start to watch for the leak. WARNING- Make sure you have no tools laying in the machine and you are out of the way. There are spinning parts and live wires once you turn the machine on. Stay clear, and watch your hair and hands. Once the machine is full and starts its cycle, look for leaks. Let the machine do its cycle and as it goes into each part of the cycle, look for the leak. Once you find a drip, stop the machine by lifting the lid or pulling out on the control knob, and now observe more closely. Remember, water runs down; where it drips is not necessarily the place of origin.