A terminal block is an electrical connector that allows multiple wires to be connected to a power source at a specific point. Terminal blocks come in a variety of shapes and sizes and have a wide range of terminal quantities. Terminal blocks can be found in many different electrical systems including cars and circuit boards. There are two types of terminal blocks, one which accepts stripped wires and another that accepts wires with lugs attached. Terminal blocks can easily be wired to a power source by following a few simple steps.
Step Two
Use the cable cutters to cut the battery cable to the desired length. It is best to leave extra cable to be safe.
Step Three
Strip 2 inches of insulation from each end of the battery cables. You will have to strip four ends in total.
Step Four
Connect the four terminal lugs, one to each stripped end of wire. Use the crimper to secure the lugs onto the stripped wire ends.
Step Five
Connect one end of the red battery cable to the positive battery terminal and one end of the black battery cable to the negative battery terminal. Secure each lug with a washer then a nut on the top of each battery terminal.
Step Six
Insert each cable into the corresponding port on the terminal block. The red cable goes into the port marked "+" and the black cable goes into the port marked "-."
Step Seven
Secure the wires into the terminal block with the screwdriver by tightening each screw over both lugs. Be careful not to over-tighten the screws.