Gymnastics is a sport that requires flexibility as well as strength. You can get flexible for gymnastics by stretching and warming up. You’ll also need to follow a strength-conditioning program to prepare for participation in gymnastics. Here are some things you can do to build your strength for gymnastics.
Step One
Perform cardiovascular exercises such as jogging, sprinting and interval training to build stamina and lose body fat. Gymnasts perform a variety of cardiovascular exercises to be able to have the stamina for long practices and meets. Gymnasts also must keep their body fat levels low. Too much body fat will hurt their energy levels, stamina and make them weigh more, making it difficult to push themselves during their routines.
Step Two
Perform core conditioning exercise drills such as leg lifts, crunches, planches and handstands. These drills will strengthen the core and define the abdominal and lower back muscles. Gymnasts require outstanding core strength. During events, gymnasts must use their core to pull and push themselves in different directions. This style of training gives gymnasts defined core muscles.
Step Three
Practice and perform the planche and front lever. These two exercises build strength and size in the entire upper body and core. During these exercises you hold your body in a static position and progress to other positions. Coach Sommer explains, "Basically these two exercises promote extreme strength and stability throughout the shoulder girdle both anteriorly and posteriorly. In addition, they'll trash your core and work your lower back/hips thoroughly."
Step Four
Warnings - Consult a physician or certified trainer before attempting this program.