A snow sled brings memories of gliding down a snowy white hill. You can build a child’s snow sled, a thrifty option over purchasing one in a sporting goods store. With just a few woodworking tools and materials, even building novices can quickly and easily build a child’s snow sled.
Cut a plywood board to about two feet tall and two feet wide, a good size for a child's sled. Use a hand saw and measuring tape to make the cuts. Also cut two wooden slats to about two feet tall and two wooden beams to about two feet long. Wooden slats are thin pieces of wood and wooden beams are thicker pieces, both of which can be found at most building supply stores.
Lay the board in front of you and then lay the two wooden beams on top of the board horizontally, so one is above the other by about 18 inches. Hammer these beams in place.