A faulty A/C unit can be very frustrating. Whether you have a window unit or a central A/C system, you will be glad to know that a new A/C or repair bill will most likely not be necessary. Most of the time, a thorough cleaning is really all you need to get your A/C back on. You should clean your A/C unit at least once a month.
Reassemble the unit and check to see if it's working by turning the thermostat off and resetting the power by the compressor and main panel. Set the thermostat to turn on the unit. Wait five minutes in between turning it off and on so you don't strain the compressor. Let the unit run for a couple of minutes, then check the two pipes that join the condenser unit to the air handler. One should feel cool and the other pipe should feel warm.
Slide the A/C unit back in your window and plug it in.
Turn off and unplug the A/C unit. Take the A/C unit out of the window.