he Roku digital video player is a device that can stream videos, music and other content from the Internet to your television. By default, the Roku digital video player is on all the time, since it uses very little power to operate. If you experience a problem with your Roku box, such as failure to connect to the Internet or continual reloading of online content, you can restart it to get it working properly again.
Step One
Turn the Roku box around. Look for a recessed button marked "Reset" on either the back or the bottom of the player.
Step Two
Unbend a paperclip and press it gently but firmly into the button. Take care not to press it for too long, since pressing the button for 15 seconds or longer will deactivate the player and restore it to the factory settings.
Step Three
Wait several seconds before turning your television back on. The Roku digital video player will reboot if you've pressed the button properly. If pressing the "Reset" button fails to restart the Roku player, turn the TV off again. Disconnect the Roku box from the power outlet, then leave it unplugged for 30 seconds. Plug the Roku back on and wait for it to reboot.