Just as you might write reminders to yourself on sticky notepaper and attach them to tables, folders and other objects, you can use Stickies on your Mac to write quick notes that appear on your desktop. For example, you want to remember to buy some groceries after you check your email or browse websites on your Mac. You create a new Stickies note and position it so you see it while you work with your email or browser. You could also leave a Stickies note for other people to read on your Mac, such as “Gone shopping. Be back in 30 minutes.”
Step One
Click the “Applications” folder in the Dock on your Mac. A pop-up menu listing your Mac’s applications appears.
Step Two
Click “Stickies” to launch it.
Step Three
Click “File” from the Stickies menu, and then click “New Note” to create a new Stickies note.
Step Four
Click “Note” from the Stickies menu, and then click the “Floating Note” option to select it if you want the Stickies note to remain above all other application and Finder windows.