Storing music on your computer and streaming it to your smartphone allows you to conserve what little space your mobile device has. While a number of applications let you transfer documents and files to your Android smartphone, HomePipe is the only application available, as of the time of publication, that lets you stream your iTunes library to your Android. Install the HomePipe application on your computer and Android smartphone to start streaming your iTunes library to your phone.
Step One
Open a new window in your Web browser and navigate to Type your email address into the space labeled "Sign Up" and click the "Sign Up" button.
Step Two
Open the email from HomePipe Networks and click the activation link. Type a password for your account into the spaces provided and click the "Submit" button.
Step Three
Click the download link that corresponds to your computer's operating system to download the HomePipe install file. Once the install file is finished downloading, double-click it and follow the onscreen instructions to install the HomePipe application.
Step Four
Type your HomePipe account email address and password into the spaces provided when prompted and click the "Sign In" button.
Step Five
Tap the "Market" icon on the Android device's home screen, followed by the "Search" icon. Type "HomePipe" into the space provided and tap the "Search" button to search for the application.
Step Six
Tap the HomePipe application in the list of search results. Tap the "Install" button and confirm that you want to install the application.
Step Seven
Tap the "HomePipe" application icon once it is finished installing. Tap the "Sign In|Sign Up" button, type your HomePipe account email and password in the spaces provided and tap the "Login" button to continue.
Step Eight
Navigate to your computer's "iTunes Music" folder in the HomePipe Android application. Tap the name of the song that you want to play and tap the "Play Now" button to stream the iTunes song to your Android device.