Although it takes a lot of time, energy and broadcasting skill to build a successful Internet radio station, creating your own online radio station can be a fun and rewarding endeavor. Getting started takes just a few simple programs and a little patience. With a combination of Winamp, the Shoutcast DSP plugin for Winamp, and the Shoutcast server, you can join the ranks of thousand of broadcasters streaming recorded and live entertainment over the World Wide Web. Have a question? Get an answer from online tech support now!
Step One
Download and intall Winamp. This is the software you will need to create your radio broadcast.
Step Two
Download and install Shoutcast DSP plugin for Winamp. This is the software you will need to connect your radio broadcast to the audio server.
Step Three
Download and install the Shoutcast server. This is the final piece of your online radio station. The server is where your broadcast is hosted on your computer and provided the address where listeners can tune in.
Step Four
Open "Program Files" on you computer. Choose "Shoutcast DNAS" and open it. Open "Edit Config" at the top. This will open a Wordpad file. Scroll down to where it says "Password" and type in a password.
Step Five
Create a playlist. Download the songs you want to broadcast on your radio station. Using Winamp, create a playlist of the music you want to broadcast.
Step Six
Click on "Options" in Winamp. Scroll down and under "Plugins" click on "DSP/Effects". Choose "Shoutcast Source" and select the "Output" tab. Type in your password and click the "Connect" button.
Step Seven
Open your web browser. Type the IP address followed by a colon and the port base in the address bar.
Step Eight
Click on the "Listen" button. If you've down everything correctly, you should now be able to broadcast.