AOL Webmail Basic is an email service provided by American Global Internet Services, formally known as America Online. Webmail Basic incorporates extra features into its service, such as the ability to import contacts, forward emails from old accounts, and even automatically notifies user’s contacts of the new email address. These enhanced features allow users to transfer email services quickly, without missing important emails or losing contact information.
Instructions Read Email - Navigate to the AOL Webmail basic website and sign in using your AOL username and password. View the number of unread emails in your inbox by checking the number of messages next to the envelope on the front page.
Manage Contacts - Add contacts to your AOL Webmail account by selecting “Contacts” on the left side of the screen. Transfer contacts from other email accounts by selecting the “Start Now” button. Place a check mark next to “I agree to the Terms of Service and am at least 13 years old” if this is agreeable and correct.
Click “Contacts,” select the drop-down box next to “New,” and click “New Contact” to add contacts manually. Type in the contact's name and email address, and add the telephone number and a photo if you want to. Click “Create” on the top bar once the contacts information is in the form.
Once the email is complete, click “Spelling” on the top bar to spell check the email. Select “Save Draft” to finish the email later, “Cancel” to cancel the email out, or press “Send” to send the email to the recipient.