Carefully insert a lightbulb (or another round, smooth object) into the sock where the hole is. This will give you a smooth surface to work on.
Step One
Carefully insert a lightbulb (or another round, smooth object) into the sock where the hole is. This will give you a smooth surface to work on.
Step Two
Thread a darning needle with thread that's similar in color and weight to the fabric of the sock. Don't knot the thread.
Step Three
Trim the ragged threads around the edges of the sock hole, being careful not to make the hole any bigger.
Step Four
Imagine a circle (or oval) drawn around the hole in the sock, about 1/4 inch (6 mm) larger than the hole on every side. With your needle and thread, stitch around this circle using a simple running stitch, your needle piercing the fabric down, then up, about every 1/8 inch (3 mm). Complete the circle and add five more stitches. Clip off the remaining thread.
Step Five
Rethread the darning needle with another length of thread (again, don't knot it). Starting at the top of the hole, just outside the circle you've stitched, make a series of vertical lines all the way across the hole. Where there is fabric, weave your needle through the fabric in a running stitch. Where there is no fabric, your thread will simply lie flat across the hole. Continue stitching parallel vertical lines all the way across the hole.