This is a great recipe for everyone that has “Make Pasta From Scratch” on your list because you don’t need any fancy equiptment. Just some flour, water and a knife.
You’ve go this.
I’m going to be honest with you, this is a bit labor intensive. But you can finally draw that satisfying line though the item that’s been taunting you on your bucket list for years. You can finally say things like, “This one time, while I was making pasta from scratch…” and “Well, when I make my pasta…”
Step One
Homemade Cavatelli Pasta – 2 cups All Purpose flour,1 cup Semolina flour,½ tsp salt,1 cup warm water.
Step Two
Add both kinds of flour and salt to a flat surface, mix to combine.
Step Three
Make a well in the middle and add the water.
Step Four
Stir the liquid and the flour together until combined. Then knead until smooth, about 5 minutes.
Step Five
One at at time, take a piece of dough and form into a long log about 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter.
Step Six
Cut off about 1/4 inch slice and place in front of you. It should be about the size of a dime. Place a bench knife (I use this one, I love it), or the dull side of a butter knife, on the far side of the dough circle, pull towards you smearing the dough against the counter. The dough should curl up over the knife.