Many machines exist to help home cooks make fresh pasta, such as mixers and automatic pasta-cutting appliances. It isn’t impossible to make pasta without them — just more labor intensive. The easiest pasta to make at home without machines is egg pasta. Using flour, eggs, olive oil or water to form dough, the pasta can be rolled out and cut by hand into the desired shape. The pasta dough should be of even thickness so that the pieces cook evenly.
Step One
Add three beaten eggs and 1 teaspoon olive oil to the flour.Mix with a fork until slightly crumbly.
Step Two
Dust your hands with flour. Press the crumbly dough into a large ball.
Step Three
Knead the dough on a floured surface. Work the dough for approximately 10 minutes or until smooth.
Step Four
CUTTING - Roll out the dough. Using a rolling pin, spread the dough until it is thinner than 1/8 inch. Dust the rolling pin with flour to keep the dough from sticking to it.
Step Five
Cut the dough into 1/4-inch strips with a paring knife. Use a clean, plastic cutting board as a guide, if desired.