A memory or memorial garden is thoughtful tribute to someone who has passed away. It can serve as a quiet, reflective place where you can go to be comforted and inspired. Knowing how to create a memory garden can enrich your life and add beauty and meaning to your garden or other special place.
Step One
Plan your memory garden depending upon location and available space.The commemorative garden can be large or small depending upon the size of your yard or designated space and the amount of work you want to put into it. A corner of your deck or patio could serve as a small memory garden if you don’t have a lot of space.Place the garden where it can be seen from a window or covered porch. That way you can enjoy it even during bad weather.Be sure the location you choose will support the types of plants you want to grow. Sun loving plants need 6-8 hours of sun a day while shade lovers need protection from the sun.
Step Two
Decide on the atmosphere you want your memorial garden to have.If you want a quiet place where you can meditate or find peace, use plants with soft colors. Add a soothing water feature and wind chimes.You might want your memory garden to be a place of inspiration and hope. Think about planting brighter colors and adding special statuary. Provide bird or squirrel feeders or bird baths to encourage wildlife to visit.Always provide a place to sit. Benches or chairs will invite you to stay.If you are fortunate to have a special view of a lake, mountains, beach or river, think about locating your memory garden there.
Step Three
Add personal items to make the garden even more special. A quote from the person’s favorite poem could be inscribed on a stone or plaque. A photograph sealed in a weather-proofed frame or an original piece of art could be a meaningful addition to your memory garden.