Tree trimming businesses can be started by anyone who wants to provide a valuable service in your community. As an entrepreneur starting this type of business, you can make a difference by helping to maintain the environment. People value the professional who helps them shape and control the scope of their landscape. Read on to learn how to start a tree trimming business.
Educate yourself and gain experience before you attempt to start your own tree trimming business. Work for an established tree trimming company that has a good reputation. Learn all you can. Most experts in this field of business say that it takes about two years of on-the-job training to get good at this business and learn the proper trimming techniques. Not done properly, tree trimming can cut the lifespan of a tree by at least 20 years.
Study forestry and the environment. Learn how proper care and maintenance of trees fits into the scope of protecting our environment. Learn about pruning and what needs to be done with trees in regard to storm restoration.
Purchase the equipment you need to start a tree trimming business. You’ll need a good chainsaw, safety climbing gear and a large truck. Most people in the tree trimming business use a 2-ton dump truck. This type of truck allows plenty of room for hauling off piles of large branches.
Obtain a business license and insurance before you start to advertise. Then, create a flyer advertising your tree trimming business and get business cards printed. Some tree trimming businesses work for utility companies, cutting tree branches away from utility poles and power lines. Some work for government agencies. Some work for private homeowners.
Be physically fit in order to climb trees, use chainsaws and lift and carry away heavy branches.