Outdoor spaces, whether they’re gardens, patios, decks or something else, shouldn’t just be for looking at. They should be for living in too, from the kids playing on the grass to sitting out on the patio on a summer’s evening. But too often we neglect our outside spaces, especially after a long period of disuse over the winter. They can become drab and pointless, with just a plain lawn and a perhaps a seating area with worn-out garden furniture. We should do our best to spruce up our gardens and turn them into somewhere that we want to be. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean we have to install a brand new deck or give it a complete makeover. There are lots of simple ways to get a more exciting outdoor space.
Add Some Lighting
If you want to get as much use out of your garden as possible, you should be able to use it in the evenings and even after dark. Some of the best times to sit outside, taking some time to yourself or with friends and family, are on those long summer nights when the weather is balmy. There are lots of ways to add lights outside, depending on what sort of effect you want. If you have a roof over your deck or patio, you could add a wired-in hanging light or perhaps put a porch light on the wall. You can also get solar-powered lights to put through the garden, which don’t require any electrical wiring. They’ll come on automatically when it gets dark, and you can get them on stakes to put in the ground, as fairy lights and more.
Focus on Warmth and Heat
Another reason we perhaps don’t use our gardens as much as we should is the weather. The UK isn’t known for its sunshine, even in the summer, but there’s no reason we can’t make use of outdoor spaces all year round. You create a sheltered space with plenty of warmth with just a few simple changes. You could add an outdoor heater or even have a fire pit so you can warm yourself by the flames. Shelter yourself from the wind with some screens or perhaps even with a more permanent wall. Even strategic placement of trees can shelter your garden from the elements. Put out lots of cushions, blankets and comfortable furniture too so you’re more comfortable when you sit down.
Make It More Colourful
Add some more colour outside to make everything more attractive and enjoyable to use. You could do this in a number of ways, from planting flowers to adding garden sculptures. One interesting way of putting more colour into your garden is with the use of outdoor garden rugs. These specially designed rugs will weather the elements and make your patio or deck much brighter than before.
Finally, don’t settle for old plastic furniture. Look for something more contemporary that will last you longer and can stay outside all year. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a set that will improve your space by a country mile.