Live longer and better by following these few simple steps, however is it true that genetics do play a role in long life. The age of 100 is becoming yesterday’s age 75. Improved health care and living conditions have helped many more people to live longer.
Eat a balanced diet. Science is learning more and more about nutrition with all things pointing to the basics. Eat more fruits and vegetables, less starches, trade white or processed foods and breads for whole grain and whole wheat, and choose fresh over packaged. Watch portion sizes (meat should be the size of your palm; carbohydrates equal a fist.) Eat more dark leafy vegetables. Add moderate amounts of chocolate and a glass of wine to your diet.
Exercise. Regular exercise, at least 30 minutes a day as has been suggested, helps improve your mood by releasing the "feel good" chemicals, endorphins. Exercise your mind also with games and puzzles to keep your brain active.