Lubricating your bicycle should be part of a regular maintenance routine, just like changing the oil in your car. Lubricating the bike every month or two will prolong the life of your bike and prevent mishaps on the road. Do lube maintenance more frequently if you ride the bike in extreme off-road conditions.
Step One
Turn the bike upside down. Place it in the middle of the newspaper-covered area.
Step Two
Scrape off any mud and dirt from the cogs on the rear derailleur. This works best if you hold the blade of the screwdriver sideways against the outer portions of the cog and gently turn the cranks. Try to avoid allowing the scraped-off dried mud and dirt to land on the chain.
Step Three
Prepare the rag. Dampen it. Provided that you are working in a well-ventilated area, you might like to add a degreasing cleaner, such as lighter fuel or a citrus degreaser. (See "Tips", however.)
Step Four
Lubricate the chain.Mark one link with a magic marker, sticker or a piece of tape, so that you know where you started.Starting with the marked link, apply one drop of chain lube to each link. It's best to apply a little drop to each gap where two links overlap. Don't use too much or it will be wasted because you'll wipe off the excess lube anyway!
Step Five
Allow the lube to settle. When you've lubed all the links, turn the cranks again for half a minute or so to make sure that the lube settles properly into the inside of the link.