Have you seen the star players in every team who always seem to make a real impact on the game, swing the momentum around or just has that physical edge? Well, here are a few steps that you can follow to help become one of these players.
Step One
Stick to a position. You will never make a good team if suddenly you’re a prop then a center.
Step Two
Do not try to be a hero, just play the game and do what your position is designed to do. If you’re a prop try to secure the ball at the ruck or put pressure on the hooker in scrums.
Step Three
Get tough. That can mean anything from practicing tackling on your mates at practice or at school “running it up” at lunch. Have no fear, the chances are that they are more scared that a guy is sprinting at them and they are pressured into making this tackle.
Step Four
Watch Professional Rugby, any team that you like. This will do wonders for your rugby. You learn techniques and it immerses you in the world of rugby.
Step Five
Have a good exercise routine designed for your position. Example: sprint training for a back and strength for a forward. But remember you must always keep fit so you can make it rucks etc.
Step Six
Have fun, that’s the key. Get into a team where you’re with mates. You may find it dull without a close-knitted team.
Step Seven
Turn up to practice. It makes a good relationship with your coach and you will learn things to become a decent rugby player. This is the best thing you can do.