Young tennis players often forget to change the grip tape on their rackets. Grip tape provides traction between the racket handle and a player’s hand. You should know how to change your grip tape to avoid problems during lessons and matches.
Step One
Look debris and adhesive on the handle when you remove your worn grip tape. Before adding new tape, use warm water and a staple remover to clear away any materials that kept the tape on the handle.
Step Two
Attach grip tape to your tennis racket based on your dominant hand. Lefthanded players should hold the handle with their right hand in a counterclockwise manner. Righthanded players should spin the racket clockwise with their left hand for proper layering.
Step Three
Peel the paper backing from the grip tape as you apply the tape to your tennis racket. Peel gradually as you wrap so that the tape doesn't curl and adhere to itself. Apply the tapered end of the grip tape as you begin to change the tape on your tennis racket. This end should be placed at the bottom of the handle butt to ensure complete coverage by the tape.
Step Four
Stabilize the head of your racket on your leg as you change the tape. Sit on a couch or chair as you apply tape to your bare handle to steady your body during this process.
Step Five
Watch the amount of overlap in your tape to avoid having too much or too little tape at the top of the handle. Most experts say that an overlap of a sixteenth of an inch is sufficient for full coverage on your handle.
Step Six
Draw a line just beneath the top of your racket handle before you finish applying the tape. Use a dark marker and create a straight line that acts as the boundary for your tape.
Step Seven
Cut the tape roll as you approach the marked line to finish the addition of a clean grip. You should cut the tape at a gradual angle to fill the angled space at the top of your handle.
Step Eight
Press the tape against the handle during practice to ensure that your racket will stay in your hand during upcoming matches. You'll have to change the tape if you note any bubbling or looseness on your grip.