When you are preparing a new cricket bat for use, you must oil it and knock it in (a process that involves strengthening the wood of the bat by hitting it repeatedly with a hardwood mallet), or you risk severely damaging it. Oiling the cricket bat helps to strengthen the wood and keep it from splitting or being otherwise damaged in the course of normal use in a game. Although cricket bats will eventually wear out and need to be replaced, proper care and oiling of your bat will help keep it in working condition for a longer period of time.
Step One
Gently sand your new bat with the sandpaper to remove any rough patches on the surface. Do not sand paint or other markings off of the bat.
Step Two
Wipe the bat down with a soft cloth.
Step Three
Apply a teaspoon-sized drop of linseed oil to the cricket bat and wipe it out, lightly coating the entire surface of the bat. Add more linseed oil if necessary.
Step Four
Allow the bat to soak up the linseed oil for 2 to 3 hours.
Step Five
Repeat steps 3 and 4 two more times, applying a total of three coats of linseed oil.
Step Six
Allow the bat to sit for 2 hours after the final application of oil before beginning the process of knocking in.