A cabin in the woods is a project that can be very affordable. In many cases, you can use recycled materials both inside and outside. The roof shape will help create sleeping room in the upper attic space of the cabin. By planning all living, cooking and sleeping spaces carefully, you can build a small cabin that lives larger. Your design work can include rustic materials such as logs, stone and old furniture to give the cabin great ambiance.
Draw the cabin interior and exterior on graph paper. Use one square of the graph paper to stand for 6 inches of real space. Draw all windows, doors, a porch and driveway areas. Include as many details as possible in order to build the cabin you desire. Be on the lookout for building supplies at close-out sales or in the classifieds.
Cut attic rafters on a 45-degree angle, leaving room for loft sleeping under the A-shape of the top ridge board. Use a circular saw to cut all rafters, which you can build as trusses, if you desire.
Build interior walls using 2-by-4 studs on 16-inch centers. Create a living room and kitchen as one space with a bathroom separate in the downstairs area. Build a staircase to the loft for a sleeping space along one wall of the cabin. Construct a rustic bed in the loft using small logs.