Internet stardom. Youtube celebrities. The newest (and probably easiest) way to become famous is via the internet. Specifically Youtube. Independent directors, hobbyists, comedians, actors, producers, and personalities have stormed into the public eye through Youtube, on their way to fame and fortune. Here’s how to become the next Youtube celebrity.
Step One
Find your niche. Decide what it is that you are good at. Can you deliver the news in a funny way. Do you aspire to create a comedy show. Youtube offers limitless possibilities. You can upload videos of literally anything you want. Creativity is key. Find something you are passionate about and decide how to express it through video.
Step Two
Become familiar with Youtube celebrities. Have you ever heard of "sxephil"? How about "Fred"? To view the most subscribed to users on Youtube go to Become familiar with them. Most have to do with news, music, and especially comedy.
Step Three
Create a username that is catchy and relevant to your Youtube venture/persona. "Communitychannel" and "sxephil" are good examples.
Step Four
Start uploading your content. Display your mission statement, your bio page, and your first videos. The actual quality of the videos is not extremely important, but if it is bad people are less likely to enjoy it.