Dispute the error if you find an error on your credit report. This can be a time-consuming process. It is important to begin as soon as you find an error on your report. If this is a dispute regarding a late payment or a delinquent account, be sure to have all this information ready to refer to as you make your dispute. Your disputes should be made in writing, so that you can track what has happened.
The credit reporting agency should investigate the claim within thirty days and mail you a copy of the results of the investigation. Once you receive the information, you can decide what step you should take next. You may need to request that the bank that reported incorrect information resubmit your corrected information. You may call the credit reporting agency and discuss other options after you have requested an initial investigation.
Save all the documents and letters that relate to these disputes. You may need them later on. This information should be stored in a secure place, since the information can be used to steal your identity.