Timeshares have become increasingly popular during the last decade. However, they can be relatively pricey, dependent upon the location of said timeshare. Overseas timeshares can become even more challenging to manage. Therefore, you’ll want to research the safest and most secure ways to make payment. Below, we’ve outlined several secure payment methods for you to consider.
Payment Options
These options have several security features built-in, allowing you to ensure your money is secure, the payments reach the correct party and your personal information is not compromised.
PayPal is an optimal solution for business transactions for several reasons. If you’re sending money to a third party – whether it’s a private timeshare renter or a rental agency – overseas, you’ll want to ensure your data is encrypted. PayPal serves as a middle man in these situations, securely encrypting your payment information and transferring funds to the receiver.
Plus, PayPal has an excellent support team, resulting in higher payment security. If you experience an issue with your payment or need a refund, PayPal’s team will help guide you through the process and make it right.
In using PayPal, however, the payee will need to have a PayPal account. However, setting up a PayPal account is free of charge and relatively easy to do. The receiver will not have to have a debit card or payment information on file to receive money.
Wire Transfers
Another excellent and highly secure way to transfer money is through a direct wire transfer. You can often complete wire transfers through your financial institution’s mobile apps. Your bank will then send the money through a secured wire to the intended recipient or to a financial institution near them for them to pick up.
Keep in mind, in some cases, your bank will charge fees to wire transfer finances overseas. You will need to review your bank’s transfer policy to determine if this solution is right for you. Additionally, you’ll need to ensure the intended receiver can access the funds. If they do not have a bank account or a financial institution is not in their area, this option may not work for you.
Western Union
Western Union is another reliable and readily available way to send money. The company has cash offices all over the world, making it easy to access for almost anyone. Plus, they have a send money app that allows you to wire money to individuals anywhere on the globe.
The service is free to use and encrypts data when sent through the app or website. Alternatively, you can send cash through Western Union as well. Individuals can choose to receive their payment directly to their bank account, through money order or in cash. It’s a highly universal way to send and receive funds.
Even though you are unable to hand your payment for your timeshare over physically, there are still plenty of ways to pay for it. They’re safe, secure, and ensure the payment reaches the intended party.