Horse’s hooves need proper care and attention to maintain the health of the horse. Hooves are well-suited to carrying the weight that they must bear as well as withstand the impact of a galloping horse. As well-made as they are, they are still susceptible to a number of ailments and problems.
Hoof Cracks - Hoof cracks can occur when a horse repeatedly runs on very hard surfaces, such as concrete and pavement, as well as be the result of improper shoeing, extreme weather conditions and overwork. Hoof cracks can turn into a chronic problem in the afflicted hooves.
Quiltor - Quiltor is the result of an injury to the leg above the hoof, where foreign matter gets into the leg and collects beneath the hoof. In order to remove this matter, it is often necessary to cut away parts of the hoof.
Abscesses - Abscesses can be a source of pain for the horse, often resulting from a bruise on the soft part of the foot or even a puncture. When cleaning out the horse's feet--something best done daily--it's important to make sure that there are no visible signs of such an injury.