A flat tire doesn’t have to flatten your spirit. Like car tires, bicycle tires occasionally need to be refilled using a pump. Understanding how to use a bicycle pump can…
How to use more sharpening tips for a hand saw; get professional tips and advice from an expert carpenter on how to sharpen carpentry tools in this free instructional video.
Underground drainage systems for a house guttering system provides a two-fold advantage for the homeowner. It removes water from the roof to the street or local drainage ditches. This will…
RC transmitter antennas consist of a single coaxial wire that is held in place with an antenna shaft. Occasionally, antenna wires are damaged during use, which may be caused by…
Have you been wondering how to make and produce a video clip on YouTube? It is easy, fun, and free. Once you have your computer and the Windows Operating System,…
Everyone has been faced with removing a stripped screw at least once in their life. Removing a stripped screw usually leaves a little damage to the area around it. This…
This beginner Saxophone Lesson focuses on the D Blues Scale. The Blues scale is without a doubt one of the most impressive and cool sounding scales. In this video Dan…
Jacuzzis are a brand name of whirlpool spas and hot tubs. The moniker has become commonly used when referring to any brand of whirlpools, hot tubs or any other types…
Getting rid of weeds that crop up along paths, in driveways and in sidewalk cracks can be quick and easy. Potent pesticides can kill weeds but are dangerous to other…
A raspberry has traditionally been the common name given to Rubus idaeus, although there about six other species in this genus that may be referred to as a raspberry. The…