Welcome to your very first dilemma of dog adoption, what you ought to know. In each issue of the newsletter you will learn valuable information that can allow you to determine if adopting a dog is ideal for you and how the method works.
We see this joyful picture all the time. A smiling child and happy family brining a cuddly little puppy with wagging house for the first time. Everyone is overjoyed and filled with love to the brand new addition to the family. It paints a pretty picture.
But, the excitement frequently wears off quickly. Because the dog has to be fed, watered and begging for walks. It could even mess on the carpet, jumping on people, bark a good deal, dig in the yard, uproot plants, and causing disruption every opportunity it gets as many dogs do.
Adopting a dog entails many responsibilities like grooming, taking it out for exercises, training and caring in addition to feeding and watering. This is the larger scene not usually imagined but just as real.
When determined to adopting a puppy, plan for the following:
– Supplies
The basic supplies that the dog will need are bowls for food and water, a dog ID tag with name address and contact number, a mattress, a comb, a collar and a leash, and dog food.
– Placing Limits
Before the dog is brought home, the family should agree on tasks, assignments and other dog responsibilities for the caring of their dog. Assignments should include who should feed the dog on specific days, who must take the dog for walks, and that must groom the dog. Agree on areas which are off limits to the dog and regions where the dog is permitted. If the dog isn’t yet trained, don’t enable the puppy to sit on the furniture or sleep in the bed with individuals.
When limits aren’t set and the puppy is permitted to do as it wants, the dog will try to dominate. This is an old pattern of puppy behaviour that’s carried over as the dogs were still in the wild. To avoid this, don’t play games with the puppy which will teach him to challenge you. Roughhouse and tug of war are a few of the most popular examples.
Once the dog begins to nip, it’s a sign that the dog has had enough, allow the dog rest and don’t permit another event to reach there as it also teaches the dog to become dominant. Likewise, do not let nor encourage crazy behaviour.
The puppy also appreciates hierarchy. If it learns from the beginning that you play dominance or is the alpha male, it would be much easier to make the dog follow your orders.
– Dog Training
Dog obedience training must start as soon as possible because the puppy must learn ways and to follow orders. Excessive barking, jumping on people, quarrelling with other dogs and house pets, chewing on furniture, scratching the carpet are simply a few of the examples untrained dogs do this frequently results to humiliation to their owners.
Different dogs have an assortment of temperaments. These do not only vary from one dog to another, in addition, it differs depending on the breed and the size of their dog. While dogs are usually lovely and lively animals, there are a number of negative traits that surface after a time. Negative traits, however, are reduced if not eliminated by training.