Are you in the market for a car loan? If Yes! Then you must be nervous about the process. Many people cannot afford to purchase a car with cash. They either go for a car loan or car lease. Therefore, it is imperative to learn the basics before applying for one — question yourself which method is ideal for you. Normally, buyers prefer loans to pay for the new or used car. Reliable institutes like have made the car loan method easy. Check their website and apply online. The experts will look at your application. Once the request is approved, they will guide you with several vehicle options. Here are some things you need to remember to get the quality loans at the lowest rates.
Documentation Standards
It is necessary to know about complete and accurate documentation before applying for a car loan. Every lending institution follows certain norms like CDD (Customer due diligence) or KYC (Know Your Customer). The documentation needs to be completed and fully verified. Otherwise, the credit companies will not grant the loan. Prior knowledge about the process positively results in speedy approval of the car loan. As a result, pre-approved loan provides you with additional leverage while negotiating with the dealer to lower the price of a car. It is sensible to walk into the showroom with a pre-approved offer from your lender.
Best Interest Rate
Interest rate is the borrowing cost that the individual has to pay against an approved car loan. It is advised to search around for the lowest interest rate. Compare and contrast the interest rates offered by banks and lenders to filter out the best possible option for you. There is no such concept of standardised rates in the financial markets. The interest rate differs from lender to lender. You need to understand that a few points difference in interest rate can have an immense impact on the amount that you have to repay monthly. Acquire quotations of the desired car and evaluate your options for credit institution and car dealer.
Credit Scorecard
The credit scorecard determines whether you are capable of getting a car loan or not. It is important to know your credit score as it evaluates the type of loan, the amount of loan, and the payback period of the loan. Whether you are considering a bank, an auto loan institution, or the car dealership, the rate will entirely be dependent on your credit scorecard. Although lenders use different criteria, but an overall good credit score will provide a strong foundation for your car loan request.
Loan vs Lease
The next thing you need to identify is the difference between loan and lease. A loan is the total amount of funds that borrower takes from lender whereas, the lease is a contract between lessor and lessee to use the specified asset against periodic payments. Think of it like owning vs rent. In the former case, individual finances the entire cost of the car by taking a loan from the financial institution against a pre-determined rate of interest. In the latter scenario, the individual can drive the car without paying a huge sum of money or taking out a loan. He pays the down payment like 20 to 30 per cent of the total amount and then uses the car against monthly rent basis. When the terms expire, you get to own the car because the full payment has been made over the years in the form of monthly rentals.