When you have routine maintenance done on your Dodge Caravan, the shop usually checks vital fluids such as antifreeze. However, if you are a do-it-yourself mechanic your Caravan rarely sees a repair garage. This means the responsibility of topping off the coolant falls to you. Fortunately, the process for adding coolant to your Dodge Caravan is simple and is a basic part of the maintenance process.
Step One
Open the engine hood and prop it with the hood prop.
Step Two
Remove the radiator cap from the filler tube.
Step Three
Place a funnel into the filler tube.
Step Four
Fill a 50/50 mixture of antifreeze and distilled water into the radiator until the fluid level reaches the top of the filler tube. Remove the funnel.
Step Five
Start the engine and allow it to idle for 5 minutes. This pushes air from the coolant system.
Step Six
Close the radiator cap.