Apple has unveiled two new iPhones, the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus. Along with larger screens and a completely new iPad-style design with an ultra thin body and rounded corners, the two new phones offer faster processors, better cameras, and Apple’s new Apple Pay payment system. When you want to go out and have a walk, just take your iPhone 6 (Plus) with you for movie entertainment! If you transfer iTunes movie purchases from Computer to iPhone 6 (Plus), it’s much easier. But for iTunes movie rentals, once you transfer them to your iPhone, they may be moved from the computer. And when you start to watch one copy of the movie the 24h countdown will begin but the availability of the other copy will remain untouched for the rest of the 30 days. Why are there so many restrictions for iTunes movie rentals? Because they are limited due to the DRM protection. Before transferring iTunes movie rentals from Computer to iPhone 6 (Plus), it’s sensible to remove iTunes DRM protections first. In case you may have encountered with iTunes Sync issues, here offer some tips for you to sync iTunes movies from computer to iPhone 6 (Plus).
Step One
Sync Movies to iPhone 6 via iTunes - Plug iPhone 6 (Plus) into computer via the USB cable. iTunes will launch automatically, if not, manually start it on your computer.
Step Two
Add the media files to the iTunes library. Click “File > Add Files to Library” at the upper left corner of the window. Then select the video files on your computer, then click Open to add the media files to the iTunes library.