Apple has unveiled two new iPhones, the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus. Along with larger screens and a completely new iPad-style design with an ultra thin…
Following a restore, you will need to reactivate your iPhone 6. The restore process modifies your iPhone device to its original factory settings. These original factory settings require you to…
The iPhone 6 has a built-in GPS feature that can help with maps, pinpoint your location and share it with others via email. As you move, your location is automatically…
Want an Apple iPhone but don’t want to switch carriers? Now you can unlock your Iphone to use on any carrier.
Apple controls which applications are available to iPhone users through the AppStore approval process. Many effective and useful apps are denied approval for proprietary reasons or reasons that Apple believes…
Spending money on a large data package for your iPhone 6 is not always the best option. If you use the phone mainly with a Wi-Fi connection, you can use…
The iPhone 4G was released on 7th June 2010. It is really good news for iPhone fans. The iPhone 4.0 OS have new features, such as: Multitasking: Now you can…
From games to pedometers, social networking to television guides, apps on the iPhone 6 cover a range of functions. Downloading apps to your iPhone 6 takes just a few seconds…
Like all other GSM phones, an Apple iPhone has a SIM card in it. This can store your text messages and contacts list, but most importantly it is used to…
Apple sells the iPhone internationally in countries across the globe. The same iPhone hardware and iPhone operating system (iOS) are in use throughout the world. The iOS is designed to…