Increasing download speed of broadband is necessary when your current slow download speed is getting too frustrating to bare. If it has been consistently slow for a while, perhaps you should consider upgrading it by paying a little extra to your Internet service provider. If you don’t want to upgrade, you can try a few tips and software applications that are designed to increase the download speed of your Internet connection.
Contact your ISP and inquire about your current Internet connection speed. Ask about your options for upgrading this bandwidth. If the price difference isn’t that great, and you think the upgrade is worth it, then go for it.
Use a software that optimizes the speed of your Internet connection. For instance, you can download and install TCP/IP Optimizer (see Resources). Launch the application after installation, and make sure the “Connect Speed” sliding bar is at its maximum. Also select the option “Modify All Network Adapters,” and select “Optimal Settings.” Click “Apply Settings” and restart your PC. You will see noticeable difference in the speed of your browsing and downloading. SpeedConnect Internet Accelerator and Internet Cyclone are two similar applications (see Resources for download link). When you install any of these programs, they automatically modify the registry keys of your system to ensure maximized Internet speed. They change the registry keys of Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU), Time To Live (TTL), Maximum Segment Size (MSS), PMTU Black Hole Detect, PMTU Auto Discovery (PAD), Cache Size (NDI), TCP Receive Window (Rwin), Maximum Duplicate Acknowledge (Max DupAcks), Selective Acknowledgement (SACK), Internet Explorer settings and more.