Replace your Galaxy cell phone battery when you have water damage or the battery is unable to hold a full charge. There are many models of Samsung cell phones on the market—you need to determine which model you have in order to find the proper replacement battery. You will also need to remove the old battery before being able to insert the new Galaxy phone battery.
Determine which Samsung phone you have. Locate the model number of the phone on the phone itself, usually underneath the battery. You can also find the model number by looking in the cell phone user manual. The model number is generally printed inside the phone under the battery. Proceed to Step 3 to remove the old battery.
Remove the back cover of the cell phone. Some Samsung phones have a plastic outer cover over the battery, while on other models the back of the phone is the back of the battery itself. Locate the release button or slider on the back of the phone. Depending on the Samsung phone model, the back cover or battery itself will slide downward or lift off when the release button is pressed or the slider is pushed upward.
Charge the cell phone after putting the new battery in before turning the phone on. New batteries will require a charging period before use.