The idea of cooking eggs to make a flat pancake-type food has been around since medieval times, but the French first used the word “omelette” in the 16th century. This breakfast food has a reputation for being tricky, but don’t be intimidated. The omelet transforms humble scrambled eggs to a restaurant-worthy breakfast with nothing more than a few added ingredients and a simple change in cooking technique. Although you can use a stainless-steel skillet, a nonstick pan increases your odds of success and requires less oil or butter to prevent sticking.
Step One
Crack the eggs into a bowl. Use egg whites for a cholesterol-free omelet. Add salt, pepper and any other desired seasonings.
Step Two
Whisk the eggs until they’re light and thoroughly blended.
Step Three
Pour the whisked eggs into the skillet. Allow the eggs to cook over medium heat for two to three minutes or until the edges start to become slightly dry.
Step Four
Make a small slit in the middle of the omelet with a spatula or spoon. Allow the uncooked portion of the omelet to run into this space. Continue cooking.
Step Five
Fold the empty portion of the omelet over the filled portion. Carefully slide the omelet onto a plate.