Diabetes is a disease that complicates the other aspects of life. So to ensure good oral dental care during diabetes an individual must take care, as a careless approach will worsen your diabetes.
Step One
Be aware that diabetes can make you more prone to various dental problems as poorly managed blood sugar levels are a big trouble to the patients. Diabetes can give rise to various periodontal and other diseases:Excessive glucose in saliva serves as a medium for bacteria and increase of plaque formation.Loss of collagen in the gum tissue, which hastens periodontal diseases. Collagen is a protein that supports the gums, skin, tendons, cartilage and bone.Thickening of blood vessel walls is a common effect aspect of diabetes. This can delay blood from bringing oxygen and nutrients to body tissues and removing waste products of the cells.Longer time to heal from the dental surgeries as the blood flow to the various sites is impaired.High glucose levels also lead to increase in cavities.Most people with diabetes take a lot of antibiotics and therefore they have a high risk of getting prone to fungal infections of the mouth and tongue.
Step Two
Try to keep their glucose levels close to normal.
Step Three
On making a visit to the dentist, tell the dentist about the current state of your diabetes so that they can help you better.
Step Four
Follow the instruction of your dentist carefully for better and early healing.
Step Five
Since diabetes patients are advised to take small meals and that too a number of times, so chances of developing veracious dental disease increase.
Step Six
Floss daily.