While dentists provide general care for your teeth, orthodontists specialize in treating dental and facial disorders. These procedures are often carried out for cosmetic reasons, but they can also be…
A bridge is a dental appliance used to replace a missing tooth. A false tooth is placed into the empty space and anchored by crowns on the adjoining teeth. Colgate…
Diabetes is a disease that complicates the other aspects of life. So to ensure good oral dental care during diabetes an individual must take care, as a careless approach will…
Strong, healthy teeth help you lead a healthier and happier life. Teeth also affect the appearance of your face and smile. And for maintaining good oral hygiene, there are lot…
Diseases and disorders that damage the teeth and mouth can disturb both your self-esteem and well-being. Oral health is an important factor of how people experience quality of life. People…
To have clean white teeth, you should do these steps 2-3 times a day and you should never skip a step or ‘forget’ to clean your teeth. Step One Rinse…
Healthy teeth and gums are very important to a healthy lifestyle as they help us with daily tasks. Anyone can take care of their teeth properly with a little determination,…
Make your teeth look whiter than ever with this simple ‘how to guide’. Everyone wants to have a wonderful smile complete with glistening pearly whites. However, getting gorgeous white teeth…
Many people want whiter teeth these days, but more are looking to natural or homemade remedies as an alternative to other methods. In addition to whitening toothpastes, there are teeth…
You chew with your teeth. They can be a fashion statement, give you a fabulous smile and they are part of what makes you… you. Reading this article will teach…